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平成8年5月1日 薬審第335号
各都道府県衛生主管部(局)長あて 厚生省薬務局審査課長通知


Recommended for Adoption at Step 4 of the ICH Process on 30 November 1995 by the ICH Steering Committee



本ガイドラインは,治験の総括報告書の作成に当たっての,その構成と内容に関する指針を示すものである。本ガイドラインは,ICH ガイドライン“Structure and Content of Clinical Study Report”に基づいて作成されたものであり,本ガイドラインに基づいて作成された総括報告書の中核部分は,ICH 参加地域の全ての審査当局に共通に受け入れ可能となる。個々の審査当局が特別に必要とする資料は,要求に応じてこの中核部分に添付する付録として構成される。


The objective of this guideline is to allow the compilation of a single core clinical study report acceptable to all regulatory authorities of the ICH regions. The regulatory authority specific additions will consist of modules to be considered as appendices, available upon request according to regional regulatory requirements.


The clinical study report described in this guideline is an “integrated” full report of an individual study of any therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic agent (referred to herein as drug or treatment) conducted in patients, in which the clinical and statistical description, presentations, and analyses are integrated into a single report, incorporating tables and figures into the main text of the report, or at the end of the text, and with appendices containing the protocol, sample case report forms, investigator related information, information related to the test drugs/investigational products including active control/comparators, technical statistical documentation, related publications, patient data listings, and technical statistical details such as derivations, computations, analyses, and computer output etc. The integrated full report of a study should not be derived by simply joining a separate clinical and statistical report. Although this guideline is mainly aimed at efficacy and safety trials, the basic principles and structure described can be applied to other kinds of trials, such as clinical pharmacology studies. Depending on the nature and importance of such studies, a less detailed report might be appropriate.


The guideline is intended to assist sponsors in the development of a report that is complete, free from ambiguity, well organised and easy to review. The report should provide a clear explanation of how the critical design features of the study were chosen and enough information on the plan, methods and conduct of the study so that there is no ambiguity in how the study was carried out. The report with its appendices should also provide enough individual patient data, including the demographic and baseline data, and details of analytical methods, to allow replication of the critical analyses when authorities wish to do so. It is also particularly important that all analyses, tables, and figures carry, in text or as part of the table, clear identification of the set of patients from which they were generated.


Depending on the regulatory authority’s review policy, abbreviated reports using summarised data or with some sections deleted, may be acceptable for uncontrolled studies or other studies not designed to establish efficacy (but a controlled safety study should be reported in full), for seriously flawed or aborted studies, or for controlled studies that examine conditions clearly unrelated to those for which a claim is made. However, a full description of safety aspects should be included in these cases. If an abbreviated report is submitted, there should be enough detail of design and results to allow the regulatory authority to determine whether a full report is needed. If there is any question regarding whether the reports are needed, it may be useful to consult the regulatory authority.


In presenting the detailed description of how the study was carried out, it may be possible simply to restate the description in the initial protocol. Often, however, it is possible to present the methodology of the study more concisely in a separate document. In each section describing the design and conduct of the study, it is particularly important to clarify features of the study that are not well-described in the protocol and identify ways in which the study as conducted differed from the protocol, and to discuss the statistical methods and analyses used to account for these deviations from the planned protocol.


The full integrated report of the individual study should include the most detailed discussion of individual adverse events or laboratory abnormalities, but these should usually be reexamined as part of an overall safety analysis of all available data in any application.

報告書には,治験対象集団の人口統計学的特性(demographic characteristics)及びその他の予後に影響し得る因子を記述すること。さらに,治験が十分に大規模であって可能な場合には,人口統計学的な(例えば,年齢,性,人種,体重の)部分集団や,その他(例えば,腎機能や肝機能)の部分集団に関するデータを示すこと。それにより,有効性又は安全性に存在し得る差異を明確にすることができる。しかしながら,通常は,総括的な分析に用いられるさらに大きなデータベースにおいて,部分集団の反応は吟味されるべきである。

The report should describe demographic and other potentially predictive characteristics of the study population and, where the study is large enough to permit this, present data for demographic (e.g., age, sex, race, weight) and other (e.g., renal or hepatic function) subgroups so that possible differences in efficacy or safety can be identified. Usually, however, subgroup responses should be examined in the larger database used in the overall analysis.


The data listings requested as part of the report (usually in an appendix) are those needed to support critical analyses. Data listings that are part of the report should be readily usable by the reviewer.

Thus, although it may be desirable to include many variables in a single listing to limit size, this should not be at the expense of clarity. An excess of data should not be allowed to lead to overuse of symbols instead of words or easily understood abbreviations or to too small displays etc. In this case, it is preferable to produce several listings.


Data should be presented in the report at different levels of detail: overall summary figures and tables for important demographic, efficacy and safety variables may be placed in the text to illustrate important points; other summary figures, tables and listings for demographic, efficacy and safety variables should be provided in section 14; individual patient data for specified groups of patients should be provided as listings in Appendix 16.2; and all individual patient data (archival listings requested only in the US) should be provided in Appendix 16.4.


In any table, figure or data listing, estimated or derived values, if used, should be identified in a conspicuous fashion. Detailed explanations should be provided as to how such values were estimated or derived and what underlying assumptions were made.


The guidance provided below is detailed and is intended to notify the applicant of virtually all of the information that should routinely be provided so that post-submission requests for further data clarification and analyses can be reduced as much as possible. Nonetheless, specific requirements for data presentation and/ or analysis may depend on specific situations, may evolve over time, may vary from drug class to drug class, may differ among regions and cannot be described in general terms; it is therefore important to refer to specific clinical guidelines and to discuss data presentation and analyses with the reviewing authority, whenever possible. Detailed written guidance on statistical approaches is available from some authorities.


Each report should consider all of the topics described (unless clearly not relevant) although the specific sequence and grouping of topics may be changed if alternatives are more logical for a particular study. Some data in the appendices are specific requirements of individual regulatory authorities and should be submitted as appropriate. The numbering should then be adapted accordingly.


In the case of very large trials, some of the provisions of this guideline may be impractical or inappropriate. When planning and when reporting such trials, contact with regulatory authorities to discuss an appropriate report format is encouraged.

本ガイドラインの規定は,他のICH のガイドラインと関連づけて使用されたい。

The provisions of this guideline should be used in conjunction with other ICH guidelines.








A2:本ガイドラインは,日,米,欧3極で相互に受入れ可能な治験の総括報告書の構成及び内容について定めたものである。これは文書としての要件を定めたもので,これに従って報告書を作成すれば,そのままその治験データが相互に受入れ可能であることを意味する訳ではない。外国で実施された臨床試験データの取扱いについては,ICH の場において検討がなされているところである。

