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Module 2.7 臨床概要Module 2.7 CLINICAL SUMMARY


ICH HARMONISED GUIDELINE- M4E(R2) – Dated 15 June 2016

Module 2.7 臨床概要

2.7.3 臨床的有効性の概要


2.7.3 Summary of Clinical Efficacy 効果の持続、耐薬性

効果の持続に関する情報があれば要約すること。長期投与時のデータが得られている被験者数と曝露期間を示すこと。耐薬性(経時的な効果の減弱)のデータを示すこと。経時的な投与量の変更と長期投与時の有効性との間に明らかな関係が存在していないか検討することは有用であろう。 Persistence of Efficacy and/or Tolerance Effects

Available information on persistence of efficacy over time should be summarised. The number of patients for whom long-term efficacy data are available, and the length of exposure, should be provided. Any evidence of tolerance (loss of therapeutic effects over time) should be noted. Examination of any apparent relationships between dose changes over time and long-term efficacy may be useful.


The primary focus should be on controlled studies specifically designed to collect long-term efficacy data, and such studies should be clearly differentiated from other, less rigorous, studies such as open extension studies. This distinction also applies to specific studies designed for evaluation of tolerance and withdrawal effects. Data concerning withdrawal or rebound effects pertinent to product safety should be presented in the safety section (see section 2.7.4).


In long-term efficacy trials, the effect of premature discontinuation of therapy or switching to other therapies upon the assessment of the results should be considered. These issues might also be important for short term trials and should be addressed when discussing the results of these trials, if appropriate.