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Module 3 品質に関する文書Module 3 QUALITY

医薬審発第899号 CTD通知(別紙 3)

(Numbering and Section Headers have been edited for consistency and use in e-CTD as agreed at the Washington DC Meeting, September 11-12, 2002)

Module 3 品質に関する文書

3.2 データ

3.2.P 製剤

3.2.P.1 製剤及び処方


  • 剤型
  • 成分分量、すなわち、剤型中の全成分の一覧、単位当たりの分量(過量仕込みがあれば、それを含む。)、配合目的及び準拠すべき品質規格/基準(公定書各条によるのか自社規格及び試験方法等によるのか)を記述する。
  • 添付溶解液
  • 製剤及び添付溶解液に使用する容器及び施栓系の種類を適宜、記述する。


Module 3 QUALITY

3.2 Body of Data

3.2.P Drug Product

3.2.P.1 Description and Composition of the Drug Product

A description of the drug product and its composition should be provided. The information provided should include, for example:

  • Description* of the dosage form;
  • Composition, i.e., list of all components of the dosage form, and their amount on a per unit basis (including overages, if any) the function of the components, and a reference to their quality standards (e.g., compendial monographs or manufacturer’s specifications)
  • Description of accompanying reconstitution diluent(s); and
  • Type of container and closure used for the dosage form and accompanying reconstitution diluent, if applicable.

Reference ICH Guidelines: Q6A and Q6B

* For a drug product supplied with reconstitution diluent(s), the information on the diluent(s) should be provided in a separate part “P”, as appropriate